3 aug 2015

By Rashid Shahin
Under what heading can we put the burning of a Palestinian infant? Why are the Jewish settlers acting with such venomous fury against Palestinian citizens in recent years?
In fact, the burning of Ali Saad Dawabshah aged 18 months near Nablus can’t be seen as an isolated crime committed by Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank.
This crime is only one of a series of crimes committed by settlers who are always protected by Israeli Occupation Forces. Jewish settlers know that all their deeds against Palestinians are never condemned or banned by the political leaders of their right wing Israeli governments during the last 15 years.
Successive Israeli governments have in fact protected the Jewish terrorists, claiming in many cases that the perpetrators are either lunatics or mentally ill.
In general, such brutal crimes are committed by right wing criminals, who have the conviction that the life of Palestinians are of less value than Jews, and that they are no more than animals, insects and rats.
The continuous incitement by religious people and Jewish Rabbis also plays a strong role here, especially when we all know that such fanatics consider all non Jewish people as Goyim, and that God created all other mankind just to serve Jews.
According to an Israeli analyst, the Jewish terror groups are no less than two hundred people, despite the fact that they are very much more according to Palestinian experts, but even if we want to consider the Israeli estimates, this number”200” can form a solid core of a terror army or group, not much different and not less dangerous than the ISIS terrorist group.
In addition to that, no one can guarantee what will be the target and consequences of the supposed and planned acts that such a group may carry.
Under what heading can we put the burning of a Palestinian infant? Why are the Jewish settlers acting with such venomous fury against Palestinian citizens in recent years?
In fact, the burning of Ali Saad Dawabshah aged 18 months near Nablus can’t be seen as an isolated crime committed by Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank.
This crime is only one of a series of crimes committed by settlers who are always protected by Israeli Occupation Forces. Jewish settlers know that all their deeds against Palestinians are never condemned or banned by the political leaders of their right wing Israeli governments during the last 15 years.
Successive Israeli governments have in fact protected the Jewish terrorists, claiming in many cases that the perpetrators are either lunatics or mentally ill.
In general, such brutal crimes are committed by right wing criminals, who have the conviction that the life of Palestinians are of less value than Jews, and that they are no more than animals, insects and rats.
The continuous incitement by religious people and Jewish Rabbis also plays a strong role here, especially when we all know that such fanatics consider all non Jewish people as Goyim, and that God created all other mankind just to serve Jews.
According to an Israeli analyst, the Jewish terror groups are no less than two hundred people, despite the fact that they are very much more according to Palestinian experts, but even if we want to consider the Israeli estimates, this number”200” can form a solid core of a terror army or group, not much different and not less dangerous than the ISIS terrorist group.
In addition to that, no one can guarantee what will be the target and consequences of the supposed and planned acts that such a group may carry.
It is true that the Israeli PM Netanyahu condemned the act, and considered it “an act of terrorism”, but when we know that about a hundred and twenty attacks have been carried out by Jewish terrorists in the occupied territories since the beginning of this year according to UN statistics, we realise that Netanyahu and his government are solely responsible for such crimes.
The occupied territories according to international law, are the responsibility of the occupation government; this government is doing nothing to protect people under its responsibility, and in that case, must be held responsible for all the crimes committed in the occupied territories. This disastrous crime is a direct result of the impunity and protection given by the Israeli governments to Jewish terrorist groups. |
The neglect and indifference which the occupation government shows when crimes are committed against Palestinians is echoed in the impunity and hypocrisy of the international community in their failure to deal with Israeli crimes against Palestinians since this rogue state was established in 1948.
When such terrorist groups see that their state is turning its back on the whole world, violating all international resolutions and laws, they will not hesitate to do more barbaric and disastrous crimes against Palestinian infants or adults.
How can such terror be stopped? A question addressed to the Secretary General of the United Nations and all those who claim they are trying to maintain human rights and the elimination of terrorism in all its forms and sources.
– Rashid Shahin is a Palestinian writer and journalist based in Bethlehem- Palestine. He contributed this article to PalestineChronicle.com.
When such terrorist groups see that their state is turning its back on the whole world, violating all international resolutions and laws, they will not hesitate to do more barbaric and disastrous crimes against Palestinian infants or adults.
How can such terror be stopped? A question addressed to the Secretary General of the United Nations and all those who claim they are trying to maintain human rights and the elimination of terrorism in all its forms and sources.
– Rashid Shahin is a Palestinian writer and journalist based in Bethlehem- Palestine. He contributed this article to PalestineChronicle.com.

The Director of Tel Hashomer Hospital where the Family of infant martyr Ali Dawabsheh receives treatment said the family needs one year in ICU after the elapse of the state of danger.
The mother, though, is in danger of dying in the current stage, he added.
The Palestinian Minister of Health Jawad Awwad announced on Sunday that both parents of martyr Dawabsheh are in very critical condition. An improvement has been noticed on the child's little brother who suffers burns in his legs.
At dawn Friday, the toddler Dawabsheh was burned alive in his house at the hands of fanatic Jewish settlers. His parents and brother got injured seriously.
The mother, though, is in danger of dying in the current stage, he added.
The Palestinian Minister of Health Jawad Awwad announced on Sunday that both parents of martyr Dawabsheh are in very critical condition. An improvement has been noticed on the child's little brother who suffers burns in his legs.
At dawn Friday, the toddler Dawabsheh was burned alive in his house at the hands of fanatic Jewish settlers. His parents and brother got injured seriously.

24-year old Meir Ettinger, the grandson of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, was taken into custody
The Israeli occupation government on Sunday claimed it will use administrative detention and “all means necessary” to locate and bring to justice the Zionist extremists who on Thursday night set fire to a Palestinian home in Duma village. The arson burned alive 18-month-old Ali Saad Dawabshe and critically injured his parents and four-year-old brother.
According to i24 news, “The Cabinet views the arson and murder in Duma as act of terror in every aspect, and has called on all the relevant authorities to use all necessary measures in order to bring the perpetrators to justice, and prevent similar incidents,” a statement issued after the cabinet meeting said.
If approved, the bill will reportedly allow the relevant authorities to apply all the necessary steps and tools in order to capture the terrorists, “including the use of administrative detention in appropriate cases, contingent on approval of the attorney general.”
Minister of the Israeli army, Moshe Ya’alon said that he supports the administrative detention of extremists involvement in terror attacks against Palestinians.
The Cabinet decided to push a new “anti-terrorism” bill in the Knesset, and establish a team of ministers led by Ya’alon, and include Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, to assess and advise the cabinet and government on possible and necessary measures to fight these terrorist incidents.
Among the recommendations made was to change the classification of “price tag” groups, which are currently defined as “unlawful associations.”
The Israeli occupation government on Sunday claimed it will use administrative detention and “all means necessary” to locate and bring to justice the Zionist extremists who on Thursday night set fire to a Palestinian home in Duma village. The arson burned alive 18-month-old Ali Saad Dawabshe and critically injured his parents and four-year-old brother.
According to i24 news, “The Cabinet views the arson and murder in Duma as act of terror in every aspect, and has called on all the relevant authorities to use all necessary measures in order to bring the perpetrators to justice, and prevent similar incidents,” a statement issued after the cabinet meeting said.
If approved, the bill will reportedly allow the relevant authorities to apply all the necessary steps and tools in order to capture the terrorists, “including the use of administrative detention in appropriate cases, contingent on approval of the attorney general.”
Minister of the Israeli army, Moshe Ya’alon said that he supports the administrative detention of extremists involvement in terror attacks against Palestinians.
The Cabinet decided to push a new “anti-terrorism” bill in the Knesset, and establish a team of ministers led by Ya’alon, and include Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, to assess and advise the cabinet and government on possible and necessary measures to fight these terrorist incidents.
Among the recommendations made was to change the classification of “price tag” groups, which are currently defined as “unlawful associations.”

by Gideon Levy
Israelis stab gay people and burn children. There isn’t a shred of slander, the slightest degree of exaggeration, in this dry description. True, these are the actions of a few.
True, too, that their numbers are increasing. It’s true that all of them – all the murderers, everyone who torches, who stabs, who uproots trees – are from the same political camp. But the opposing camp also shares the blame.
All those who thought that it would be possible to sustain islands of liberalism in the sea of Israeli fascism were shown up this weekend, once and for all. It’s simply not possible to cheer for the brigade commander who shoots a teenager, and then be shocked by the settlers who set a family on fire; to support gay rights, and hold a founding conference in Ariel; to be enlightened, and then pand+er to the right and seek to partner with it. Evil knows no bounds; it begins in one place and quickly spreads in every direction.
The first breeding ground of those who torched the Dawabsheh family was the Israel Defense Forces, even if the offenders didn’t serve in it. When the killing of 500 children in the Gaza Strip is legitimate, and doesn’t even compel a debate, a moral reckoning, then what’s so terrible about setting a house on fire, together with its inhabitants? After all, what’s the difference between lobbing a fire bomb and dropping a bomb? In terms of the intention, or the intent, there is no difference.
When the shooting of Palestinians becomes an almost daily occurrence – two more have already been killed since the family was burned: one in the West Bank, another on the border of the Gaza Strip – who are we to complain about the fire throwers in Duma? When the lives of Palestinians are officially the army’s for the taking, their blood cheap in the eyes of Israeli society, then settler militias are also permitted to kill them. When the IDF’s ethic in the Gaza Strip is that it is permitted to do anything in order to save one soldier, who are we to complain about right-wingers like Baruch Marzel, who told me this weekend it was permissible to kill thousands of Palestinians in order to protect a single hair from the head of a Jew. Such is the atmosphere, such is the result. Original responsibility for it goes to the IDF.
No less to blame, of course, are the governments and politicians who vie with each other over who can suck up the most to the settlers. Whoever gives them 300 new homes in exchange for their violence at the flagship settlement of Beit El is telling them not only that violence is permissible, but also that it pays. It is already hard to draw the line between throwing bags of urine at police officers and fire bombs into people’s homes.
Also to blame, of course, are the law enforcement authorities, starting with the Judea and Samaria District Police – the most ridiculous and scandalous of all police districts, and not by chance. Nine Palestinian homes were torched in the past three years, according to B’Tselem. How many people have been prosecuted? None. So what happened in Duma on Friday? The fire was simply better, in the eyes of the arsonists and their minions.
Their minions also include the silent, the forgiving and all those who think the evil will remain forever within the confines of the West Bank. Their minions also include the Israelis who are convinced that the People of Israel is the chosen people, and as a result is permitted to do anything – including torching the homes of non-Jews, with their inhabitants inside.
So, too, many of those who were shocked by the act, including figures who have visited the victims in Sheba Medical Center, outside Tel Aviv – the president, the prime minister, the opposition leader and their aides – imbibed the racist, infuriating “You have chosen us from all the peoples” with their mothers’ milk.
At the end of a terrible day, it is this that leads to the burning of families whom God did not choose. No principle in Israeli society is more destructive, or more dangerous, than this principle. Nor, unfortunately, more common. If you were to examine closely what is concealed beneath the skin of most Israelis, you would find: the chosen people. When that is a fundamental principle, the next torching is only a matter of time.
Their minions are everywhere, and most of them are now tsk-tsking and expressing dismay at what happened. But what occurred couldn’t have not happened; what happened was dictated by the needs of reality, the reality of Israel and its value system. What happened will happen again, and no one will be spared. We all torched the Dawabsheh family.
Published by Haaretz newspaper.
Israelis stab gay people and burn children. There isn’t a shred of slander, the slightest degree of exaggeration, in this dry description. True, these are the actions of a few.
True, too, that their numbers are increasing. It’s true that all of them – all the murderers, everyone who torches, who stabs, who uproots trees – are from the same political camp. But the opposing camp also shares the blame.
All those who thought that it would be possible to sustain islands of liberalism in the sea of Israeli fascism were shown up this weekend, once and for all. It’s simply not possible to cheer for the brigade commander who shoots a teenager, and then be shocked by the settlers who set a family on fire; to support gay rights, and hold a founding conference in Ariel; to be enlightened, and then pand+er to the right and seek to partner with it. Evil knows no bounds; it begins in one place and quickly spreads in every direction.
The first breeding ground of those who torched the Dawabsheh family was the Israel Defense Forces, even if the offenders didn’t serve in it. When the killing of 500 children in the Gaza Strip is legitimate, and doesn’t even compel a debate, a moral reckoning, then what’s so terrible about setting a house on fire, together with its inhabitants? After all, what’s the difference between lobbing a fire bomb and dropping a bomb? In terms of the intention, or the intent, there is no difference.
When the shooting of Palestinians becomes an almost daily occurrence – two more have already been killed since the family was burned: one in the West Bank, another on the border of the Gaza Strip – who are we to complain about the fire throwers in Duma? When the lives of Palestinians are officially the army’s for the taking, their blood cheap in the eyes of Israeli society, then settler militias are also permitted to kill them. When the IDF’s ethic in the Gaza Strip is that it is permitted to do anything in order to save one soldier, who are we to complain about right-wingers like Baruch Marzel, who told me this weekend it was permissible to kill thousands of Palestinians in order to protect a single hair from the head of a Jew. Such is the atmosphere, such is the result. Original responsibility for it goes to the IDF.
No less to blame, of course, are the governments and politicians who vie with each other over who can suck up the most to the settlers. Whoever gives them 300 new homes in exchange for their violence at the flagship settlement of Beit El is telling them not only that violence is permissible, but also that it pays. It is already hard to draw the line between throwing bags of urine at police officers and fire bombs into people’s homes.
Also to blame, of course, are the law enforcement authorities, starting with the Judea and Samaria District Police – the most ridiculous and scandalous of all police districts, and not by chance. Nine Palestinian homes were torched in the past three years, according to B’Tselem. How many people have been prosecuted? None. So what happened in Duma on Friday? The fire was simply better, in the eyes of the arsonists and their minions.
Their minions also include the silent, the forgiving and all those who think the evil will remain forever within the confines of the West Bank. Their minions also include the Israelis who are convinced that the People of Israel is the chosen people, and as a result is permitted to do anything – including torching the homes of non-Jews, with their inhabitants inside.
So, too, many of those who were shocked by the act, including figures who have visited the victims in Sheba Medical Center, outside Tel Aviv – the president, the prime minister, the opposition leader and their aides – imbibed the racist, infuriating “You have chosen us from all the peoples” with their mothers’ milk.
At the end of a terrible day, it is this that leads to the burning of families whom God did not choose. No principle in Israeli society is more destructive, or more dangerous, than this principle. Nor, unfortunately, more common. If you were to examine closely what is concealed beneath the skin of most Israelis, you would find: the chosen people. When that is a fundamental principle, the next torching is only a matter of time.
Their minions are everywhere, and most of them are now tsk-tsking and expressing dismay at what happened. But what occurred couldn’t have not happened; what happened was dictated by the needs of reality, the reality of Israel and its value system. What happened will happen again, and no one will be spared. We all torched the Dawabsheh family.
Published by Haaretz newspaper.

Palestinian Arab social media has been quickly spreading a claim that a specific Jewish arsonist was behind the lethal fire in the Samaria village of Duma last Friday - except the "culprit" they found has been sitting in an Israeli jail since last December.
An announcement has been spreading around influential Palestinian Arab Facebook pages claiming that Yehuda Landsberg of Gilad Farm in Samaria committed the arson that killed an Arab infant and wounded four family members, reports Channel 10 on Monday.
The announcement includes a poster image with Landsberg's picture, and the word "wanted" in English, Arabic, and Hebrew - with a clear Google Translate-inducted mistake in the Hebrew reading ratziti, meaning "I wanted," instead of the correct mevukash.
There's just one problem: Landsberg has been in jail since last December serving a two-and-a-half year sentence, on charges of having committed "Price Tag" vandalism on the Arab village of Far'ata.
According to the indictment against Landsberg, he and two others tried and failed to set some planks on fire at the site of a new home being built in a nearby Arab village, and then went to Far'ata where they ignited a Volvo and a Mercedes, tagged the scene with Star of David graffiti, and returned to Gilad Farm.
Responding to the false Arab charges, Landsberg's brother Hillel told Channel 10 that "the feeling is that someone is trying to harm us and our family, in the way they're determining that someone from our side has some sort of part in this awful act that was committed."
Skeptical reports have referred to the various questionable aspects of claims that Jews committed the arson attack in Duma, such as the fact that the attackers picked a house in the center of the village, and first burned another house before setting the family's house on fire, waiting around to keep the parents there, and write elaborate Hebrew graffiti. It is unlikely that Jews could carry all this out without being caught by Arab residents, according to these skeptics.
"We currently view this as absolute incitement that endangers the lives of the family members, and we intend to submit lawsuits against those who decided to post this libel," declared Hillel.
Landsberg's lawyers have claimed he was mistreated in custody and denied legal access for prolonged periods. At one point, Landsberg - who is father to three disabled children - started a hunger strike after reportedly undergoing harassment at the hands of police, which included the playing of recordings of his children crying.
Politicians were quick to label the Duma arson a "Price Tag" attack, in reference to incidents of nationalistically-motivated criminal damage against Arab-owned property by Jewish extremists, often in revenge for deadly Arab terrorist attacks.
Evidence has also surfaced in several cases showing how local Arabs often stage "price tag" attacks to frame Jewish residents, and Arab residents likewise falsely blamed Jews for a mosque fire in a shocking libel last November.
An announcement has been spreading around influential Palestinian Arab Facebook pages claiming that Yehuda Landsberg of Gilad Farm in Samaria committed the arson that killed an Arab infant and wounded four family members, reports Channel 10 on Monday.
The announcement includes a poster image with Landsberg's picture, and the word "wanted" in English, Arabic, and Hebrew - with a clear Google Translate-inducted mistake in the Hebrew reading ratziti, meaning "I wanted," instead of the correct mevukash.
There's just one problem: Landsberg has been in jail since last December serving a two-and-a-half year sentence, on charges of having committed "Price Tag" vandalism on the Arab village of Far'ata.
According to the indictment against Landsberg, he and two others tried and failed to set some planks on fire at the site of a new home being built in a nearby Arab village, and then went to Far'ata where they ignited a Volvo and a Mercedes, tagged the scene with Star of David graffiti, and returned to Gilad Farm.
Responding to the false Arab charges, Landsberg's brother Hillel told Channel 10 that "the feeling is that someone is trying to harm us and our family, in the way they're determining that someone from our side has some sort of part in this awful act that was committed."
Skeptical reports have referred to the various questionable aspects of claims that Jews committed the arson attack in Duma, such as the fact that the attackers picked a house in the center of the village, and first burned another house before setting the family's house on fire, waiting around to keep the parents there, and write elaborate Hebrew graffiti. It is unlikely that Jews could carry all this out without being caught by Arab residents, according to these skeptics.
"We currently view this as absolute incitement that endangers the lives of the family members, and we intend to submit lawsuits against those who decided to post this libel," declared Hillel.
Landsberg's lawyers have claimed he was mistreated in custody and denied legal access for prolonged periods. At one point, Landsberg - who is father to three disabled children - started a hunger strike after reportedly undergoing harassment at the hands of police, which included the playing of recordings of his children crying.
Politicians were quick to label the Duma arson a "Price Tag" attack, in reference to incidents of nationalistically-motivated criminal damage against Arab-owned property by Jewish extremists, often in revenge for deadly Arab terrorist attacks.
Evidence has also surfaced in several cases showing how local Arabs often stage "price tag" attacks to frame Jewish residents, and Arab residents likewise falsely blamed Jews for a mosque fire in a shocking libel last November.
The minister further addressed a previous file that was submitted to the prosecutor’s office in June 25, 2015, on crimes committed by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories since June 2014, including last summer's military offensive on the Gaza Strip, ongoing illegal settlement activity, and the issue of Palestinian prisoners jailed in Israel.
Al-Malki briefed Bensouda on the latest grave developments in the occupied Palestinian territory, including the Duma crime, and the ‘cold-blooded’ killing of teenager Laith al-Khaldi, who was shot from behind at Atara check point near Ramallah and later succumbed to his critical wounds.
He stressed that the continuation of the Israeli occupation and its policies, including its settlement expansion policy, along with the impunity it grants to settlers, encourages such crimes.
He called on the ICC to speed up investigations into the situation in the occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly in light of the continued ‘inhumane war crimes’ committed by the occupation against the Palestinian people. He further called on the ICC to end the policy of granting impunity to perpetrators of such crimes and to ensure accountability for perpetrators of such crimes.
Al-Malki briefed Bensouda on the latest grave developments in the occupied Palestinian territory, including the Duma crime, and the ‘cold-blooded’ killing of teenager Laith al-Khaldi, who was shot from behind at Atara check point near Ramallah and later succumbed to his critical wounds.
He stressed that the continuation of the Israeli occupation and its policies, including its settlement expansion policy, along with the impunity it grants to settlers, encourages such crimes.
He called on the ICC to speed up investigations into the situation in the occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly in light of the continued ‘inhumane war crimes’ committed by the occupation against the Palestinian people. He further called on the ICC to end the policy of granting impunity to perpetrators of such crimes and to ensure accountability for perpetrators of such crimes.

The Government of Japan expressed, in a statement on Monday, its shock over Jewish settlers’ arson attack against two homes in the Nablus village of Duma on July 31, which killed an 18-month-old infant and seriously injured his family. Japan’s Foreign Press Secretary Yasuhisa Kawamura said Japan strongly condemns the ‘terrorist attack’, and called on the Israeli authorities to conduct an “urgent and transparent investigation and take appropriate measures to avoid recurrence of such a tragedy.”
“Japan calls on the parties concerned to exercise restraint to ensure that the incident will not lead to escalation of violence, and also calls on both sides to act positively to realize peace,” said the statement.
Japan further expressed its condolences to the family and prayed for early recovery of those injured.
The arson that took place on July 31, which was not the first to be committed by Israeli settlers, was vehemently condemned as a terrorist act by almost all the countries, including the United States and the Israeli government.
Though Israeli Prime Minister pledged to bring the perpetrators to justice, President Mahmoud Abbas questioned the Israeli government’s commitment to end violence, saying the Israeli government would have been able to stop settlers’ violence if it really wanted to do that.
Abbas announced that the Palestinian leadership would prepare a file on the Duma crime and submit it to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
He said, “What happened in Duma is added to a record of crimes committed by the settlers and the Israeli government, because it sponsors settlement activities and encourages settlers’ actions.”
“Japan calls on the parties concerned to exercise restraint to ensure that the incident will not lead to escalation of violence, and also calls on both sides to act positively to realize peace,” said the statement.
Japan further expressed its condolences to the family and prayed for early recovery of those injured.
The arson that took place on July 31, which was not the first to be committed by Israeli settlers, was vehemently condemned as a terrorist act by almost all the countries, including the United States and the Israeli government.
Though Israeli Prime Minister pledged to bring the perpetrators to justice, President Mahmoud Abbas questioned the Israeli government’s commitment to end violence, saying the Israeli government would have been able to stop settlers’ violence if it really wanted to do that.
Abbas announced that the Palestinian leadership would prepare a file on the Duma crime and submit it to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
He said, “What happened in Duma is added to a record of crimes committed by the settlers and the Israeli government, because it sponsors settlement activities and encourages settlers’ actions.”

Arab MK Hanin Zoabi held the Palestinian Authority (PA) accountable for the preplanned terrorism perpetrated by Israeli settlers against the Palestinian people.
Speaking in a TV show broadcast from the 1948 occupied territories, MK Zoabi attributed the ongoing vandalism by Israeli settlers to the policies of repression pursued by the PA towards the Palestinian masses.
She said the crimes committed by fanatic Israelis and price tag gangs is also the by-product of incitement and racism against Palestinians by the Israeli Knesset, ministers, and PM Benjamin Netanyahu.
“The Palestinian toddler Ali Dawabsha did not die because of a fire but rather because of a preplanned murder,” she said.
“How come that at a time when Israelis are killing our citizens we are just trying to calm them down? This is just strange!” she said as she slammed the apathy maintained by the PA as regarding attacks against Palestinians.
She stressed the role of Arab MKs in the national liberation struggle, saying: “It is our duty to address our people and urge the PA to react.”
She spoke out against the security coordination and suppressive policies pursued by the PA apparatuses, including attacks on demonstrators who take to the streets to voice their protest over Israel’s usurpation of the land and the people alike.
She stressed the need to activate the determination and activism of the Arab MKs and to bring Israeli criminals before international courts.
Speaking in a TV show broadcast from the 1948 occupied territories, MK Zoabi attributed the ongoing vandalism by Israeli settlers to the policies of repression pursued by the PA towards the Palestinian masses.
She said the crimes committed by fanatic Israelis and price tag gangs is also the by-product of incitement and racism against Palestinians by the Israeli Knesset, ministers, and PM Benjamin Netanyahu.
“The Palestinian toddler Ali Dawabsha did not die because of a fire but rather because of a preplanned murder,” she said.
“How come that at a time when Israelis are killing our citizens we are just trying to calm them down? This is just strange!” she said as she slammed the apathy maintained by the PA as regarding attacks against Palestinians.
She stressed the role of Arab MKs in the national liberation struggle, saying: “It is our duty to address our people and urge the PA to react.”
She spoke out against the security coordination and suppressive policies pursued by the PA apparatuses, including attacks on demonstrators who take to the streets to voice their protest over Israel’s usurpation of the land and the people alike.
She stressed the need to activate the determination and activism of the Arab MKs and to bring Israeli criminals before international courts.

An Israeli rights group said in a new report issued Sunday that the settlers’ arson attack on Palestinian homes in Duma town was not an isolated incident.
Yesh Din human rights group said that Israeli settlers set fire to 15 Palestinian homes throughout the West Bank since 2008.
In 12 cases, homes’ owners submitted complaints to Israeli authorities against the suspected settlers.
Ten of these cases were never solved as Israeli police did not even bother to take elementary investigative action, while two complaints are still being investigated.
Three of the reported arson attacks were carried out in Burin town south of Nablus, the report pointed out.
“This is due to the authorities’ policy to avoid enforcing the law on Israelis who harm Palestinians and their property,” the group added. “This policy creates impunity for hate crimes, and encourages assailants to continue, leading to this morning’s horrific result (referring to the attack on Duma).”
Israeli NGO Forum Strongly Condemns Settlers’ Duma Crime
The Israeli Peace NGO Forum Monday strongly condemned inciters and perpetrators of the ‘outrageous terrorist’ crime against two civilian homes in Nablus’ village of Duma, which killed a toddler and critically injured his entire family.
In a statement that was sent over to diplomatic bodies and foreign embassy’s in Israel, as well as to other Jewish organizations across the world, the NGO Forum said, ‘we’ stand in shame with broken hearts over the heinous death of Palestinian child, Ali Dawabsheh, who was burnt to death while sleeping in his bed.
The NGO Forum expressed grave concern over the medical situation of Ali’s family, including his parents and 4-year-old brother, who are currently fighting for their lives.
The NGO called on Israeli leaders to bow their heads and begin the personal accountability and question how and why have ‘we’ reached this abyss?.
Report: Jordan to submit UN request to 'protect the Palestinian people' in wake of Duma attack
A Jordanian newspaper reported on Monday that Jordan and the Palestinian Authority will submit a demand to the UN Security Council to "provide international protection for the Palestinian people and put an end to the Israeli occupation."
The announcement follows the Jewish terror attack in the village of Duma, in which a Palestinian infant was killed and his two parents and four year old brother were critically wounded.
It was further reported that in light of the incident, there have been moves towards a meeting between Jordanian King Abdullah and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
Yesh Din human rights group said that Israeli settlers set fire to 15 Palestinian homes throughout the West Bank since 2008.
In 12 cases, homes’ owners submitted complaints to Israeli authorities against the suspected settlers.
Ten of these cases were never solved as Israeli police did not even bother to take elementary investigative action, while two complaints are still being investigated.
Three of the reported arson attacks were carried out in Burin town south of Nablus, the report pointed out.
“This is due to the authorities’ policy to avoid enforcing the law on Israelis who harm Palestinians and their property,” the group added. “This policy creates impunity for hate crimes, and encourages assailants to continue, leading to this morning’s horrific result (referring to the attack on Duma).”
Israeli NGO Forum Strongly Condemns Settlers’ Duma Crime
The Israeli Peace NGO Forum Monday strongly condemned inciters and perpetrators of the ‘outrageous terrorist’ crime against two civilian homes in Nablus’ village of Duma, which killed a toddler and critically injured his entire family.
In a statement that was sent over to diplomatic bodies and foreign embassy’s in Israel, as well as to other Jewish organizations across the world, the NGO Forum said, ‘we’ stand in shame with broken hearts over the heinous death of Palestinian child, Ali Dawabsheh, who was burnt to death while sleeping in his bed.
The NGO Forum expressed grave concern over the medical situation of Ali’s family, including his parents and 4-year-old brother, who are currently fighting for their lives.
The NGO called on Israeli leaders to bow their heads and begin the personal accountability and question how and why have ‘we’ reached this abyss?.
Report: Jordan to submit UN request to 'protect the Palestinian people' in wake of Duma attack
A Jordanian newspaper reported on Monday that Jordan and the Palestinian Authority will submit a demand to the UN Security Council to "provide international protection for the Palestinian people and put an end to the Israeli occupation."
The announcement follows the Jewish terror attack in the village of Duma, in which a Palestinian infant was killed and his two parents and four year old brother were critically wounded.
It was further reported that in light of the incident, there have been moves towards a meeting between Jordanian King Abdullah and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Violent clashes broke out at late hours Sunday between Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) and Palestinian youths at the entrance to Duma town south of Nablus, that witnessed few days ago the settlers’ arson attack on a safe family.
The confrontations erupted when IOF prevented a delegation coming from Ramallah from having access to the town to offer condolences to the arson attack victims, the PIC reporter quoted eyewitnesses as saying.
Dozens of local youths suffered tear-gas inhalation as IOF heavily fired tear gas bombs and rubber bullets during the clashes, which subsequently started fire in nearby agricultural fields.
Daily clashes have been reported in Duma town after a group of Jewish settlers deliberately set fire in two local homes. A Palestinian toddler was burned to death while three of his family members were seriously injured during the arson attack.
The confrontations erupted when IOF prevented a delegation coming from Ramallah from having access to the town to offer condolences to the arson attack victims, the PIC reporter quoted eyewitnesses as saying.
Dozens of local youths suffered tear-gas inhalation as IOF heavily fired tear gas bombs and rubber bullets during the clashes, which subsequently started fire in nearby agricultural fields.
Daily clashes have been reported in Duma town after a group of Jewish settlers deliberately set fire in two local homes. A Palestinian toddler was burned to death while three of his family members were seriously injured during the arson attack.